As previously communicated, on the 10th September 2020, the IfATE published an amended version of the Assessment Plan for the Level 3 Business Administrator standard, version 1.0 ST0070/AP03. 

The new Assessment Plan (Ref AP03) can be found on the IfATE website here.

Support materials are live on Verve EPA. Updated Process training will be facilitated and dates will be offered to applicable centres over the next few weeks. In the meantime, TQUK has recorded a short overview of the changes within this Assessment Plan update which you can access via Verve EPA. To do this, follow the below process:

  • Click Support Material
  • Click view
  • Click standard
  • Click Business Administrator (version 2)

Verve EPA  now supports two concurrent standards, reflecting each assessment plan version:

  • Business Administrator (Legacy)
  • Business Administrator (New version 1.0 Ref AP03) 

Registrations – What you need to know!

With immediate effect, any new registrations made with TQUK must be on the Business Administrator (new V1.0 Ref AP03) Standard. 

If you require support with this process, feel free to contact us and a member of the team will be happy to help.

This updated version (V1.0 Ref AP03) applies to all Apprentices who started their Apprenticeship programme on or after 10th September 2020. 

Please note: all Apprentices currently registered with TQUK on VERVE that have a start date of on or after 10th September 2020 will automatically be transferred to this new version of the assessment plan on the 12th January 2022, unless we are notified of an exceptional circumstance before this date.

Exceptional Circumstances

Any Gateway submissions from the 12th January 2022 must be under the new version of the Assessment Plan (V1.0 Ref AP03).

If you have an exceptional circumstance you wish to be considered for an Apprentice to remain on the Legacy standard after the 12th January 2022, please submit this request as soon as possible to, with your reasons for this. 

Exceptional circumstances for Apprentices to remain on the Legacy standard after the 12th January 2022 will be considered based upon the Apprentice start date and registration dates. All exceptional circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be submitted and approved by TQUK by Friday 17th December 2021.

Question and Answers 

Question:   Which assessment plan will my Apprentice be assessed against?

Answer: If your Apprentice commenced with their apprenticeship programme before 10th September 2020, they will be assessed against the Legacy assessment plan if they progress through Gateway before 12th January 2022. 

If your Apprentice commenced with their apprenticeship programme on or after 10th September 2020 they will automatically be registered or transferred to the New version of the assessment plan, V1.0 Ref AP03 against which they will be assessed. 

Question: My Apprentice started their apprenticeship programme before 10th September 2020, can they opt to be assessed against the New version of the assessment plan, V1.0 Ref AP03?

Answer: All Apprentices registered against the Legacy version of the assessment plan are now able to be transferred to the New version of the assessment plan (V1.0 Ref AP03) by simply using the Change of Circumstance process on Verve EPA. 

Question: My Apprentice has prepared their Portfolio of Evidence and Project Presentation in line with the legacy assessment plan. Does this mean they must redo their evidence in line with the new version? 

Answer: No, the previous version assessed the same KSBs in both components, therefore the only change will be what the Apprentice selects to be assessed in either the Portfolio Interview or the Project Presentation with Q&A, rather than both which was expected in the previous version. Please do ensure your Apprentice is registered against the correct version of the plan on Verve EPA to avoid any confusion or delay.

To confirm, whilst there has been a version change to the Assessment Plan, there has been no change to the Standard, should an Apprentice prefer to be assessed against the New version. They will not be disadvantaged in changing their assessment plan version, we simply request that our Centres update their Registration in Verve EPA.

Please see our guidance document on Verve EPA titled, Change of Circumstance – Verve EPA Process Guidance.

Question– Will this change alter the fee TQUK charges for this standard?

Answer– No. The funding band allocation remains the same and upon review of the new assessment plan, we feel comfortable that we do not need to alter our EPA fee. Please visit our website for a full breakdown of costs for this standard

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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