Training Qualifications UK is one of the most creative and contemporary Awarding and End-Point Assessment Organisations in the country. Our innovative approach means we can work with you to get the very best outcomes for your learners and Apprentices.

Since April 2017, Training Qualifications UK as an End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) has been approved to deliver End-Point Assessment services for a range of Apprenticeship Standards including those within the Hospitality and Healthcare sectors.

We were the first EPAO to successfully certificate Apprentices on the new Hospitality Team Member Apprenticeship Standard along with Commis Chef, Lead Adult Care Worker and Adult Care Worker and we’ve not looked back since.

Over on the regulated side of our business, we have over 400 Recognised Centres worldwide proudly issuing Training Qualifications UK certificates, our reputation as a world-class provider of internationally recognised qualifications is growing quickly.

Why the bee?

There are two strands to the story as to how and why we decided on using the Manchester bee symbol as our logo and scheme for our End-Point Assessment branding. But let’s go right back to the start of our End-Point Assessment journey, January 2017.

When it was announced to the staff that we would be applying to become an EPAO, our initial thoughts went towards which apprenticeship standards we want to be approved to deliver end-point assessment for first, how does end-point assessment work, where do we start!

We took it back to basics, start at the beginning, how do we want this to look? Is it going to merely be another part to our business that sits on our website, are we going to merge the responsibilities and management processes with our current Awarding Organisation objectives and software?

In short, no. We wanted to create a brand new strand to the business which operates independent of our AO structure – thus, we needed an identity. What is our identity? Who is TQUK? A Manchester based Awarding Organisation now delivering End-Point Assessment.

Manchester based, Manchester born, Manchester proud.

On 22nd May 2017, the city of Manchester was rocked with a devastating event and in the aftermath, all Mancunians came together in solidarity, unifying under the renowned Manchester ‘worker bee’ symbol. It was as a significant moment in Manchester’s history as anything that has gone before and we of course stood shoulder to shoulder with those around the city, bonded together by the event and the symbol.

We changed up our usual Training Qualifications UK logo and colours and added the worker bee symbol as a mark of respect whilst also showing how proud we were as a Manchester born business. We are Manchester through and through.

The idea and reasoning for keeping the bee symbol was strong. We read further into the history of the bee and its significance with the city of Manchester. Representing everything that is good about where we come from. First appearing on the Salford coat of arms, the bee was adopted as a motif for Manchester during the Industrial Revolution symbolising the ‘hive of activity’ in the 19th century and the hard working Mancunians at the time. This has never changed.

The TQUK EPA ‘bee’ logo was born.

In nature, the honey bee is a remarkable insect for many different reasons. The biology of the bee alone reveals just how special it is. With six legs, four wings and five eyes – they are the bee’s knees.

Did you know that it is possible for the bee to fly a distance of 5 miles in search of food? And whilst the average distance may only be a mile, a strong colony of bees therefore flies the equivalent distance of the Earth to the moon every day.

Great things can be achieved when you work together; this is what we are applying to end-point assessment. Bringing the EPAO (us), the Employer, the Training Provider and the Apprentice all together in order to achieve great things.

We’re here to help apprentices bee what they want to bee

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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