Details of remote invigilation by Training Qualifications UK for the Situational Extended Answer Test which forms a part of End-Point Assessment on the Children, Young People and Families Manager (CYPFM) standard

As you may already be aware, we are now accepting Gateways for the Children, Young People and Families Manager (CYPFM) standard. This standard includes a Situational Extended Answer Test which Apprentices must complete under invigilator supervision.

We are able to accommodate paper-based and on-screen invigilated exams that are overseen by a representative from the Apprentice’s Training Provider, as well as remote invigilated exams that are overseen by a member of Training Qualifications UK.

Please be aware that remote invigilated exams are reliant on invigilator availability, therefore initial requests made for remote invigilation by Training Qualifications UK may be subject to change. We are currently able to offer the following time slots for remote invigilated CYPFM exams:

Monday: 10:00-12:30 & 13:00-16:30
Wednesday: 10:00-12:30 & 13:00-16:30
Friday: 10:00-12:30 & 13:00-16:30

With the new changes to the invigilation options, there would be a new surplus fee of £60 for TQUK to remote invigilate. There is no surplus fee if the Training Provider is invigilating. Please review the Assessment Preference section (Page 4) within the Gateway Meeting Record. We have also added an updated fees chart below.

Total Standard price £750.00 per apprentice
Fee payable upon registration (25%) * £188.00
Fee payable upon Gateway (75%) * £562.00
Surplus Fees
TQUK conducted invigilation- Remote £60.00
Face to Face Interview £50.00
Retake Fee Situation Judgement Test – Provider Invigilation (Remote or In Person) £75.00
Retake Fee Situation Judgement Test – TQUK Invigilation- Remote £135.00
Retake- Competency based Interview -Remote £100.00
Retake- Competency based Interview -Face to Face £150.00

In order for our remote invigilated exam sessions to run as smoothly as possible, it is vital for the Apprentice to be fully prepared and ready to take the exam before it is due to begin.

We will provide detailed guidance surrounding the technical requirements for remote invigilated exams – as well as information about software and login credentials – one working day after the booking has been accepted. Apprentices/Learners must consult this guidance as soon as possible before their exam is due to take place, and they must ensure they arrive with the necessary software already installed and functioning correctly on their device.

Late arrivals will be accommodated up to 15 minutes after the scheduled exam time has commenced. Any Apprentices/Learners who arrive after these 15 minutes have elapsed must contact their Training Provider to reschedule.

Please also be aware that if an Apprentice/Learner arrives without the necessary prerequisites – such as the required software, a stable internet connection, or a stable/functioning device and webcam – and this results in a significant portion of the allocated time slot being dedicated to resolving the associated issues, they may be required to contact their Training Provider to reschedule.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at and we’ll be happy to help.

Find out more about this standard on our website or the Institute for Apprenticeships’ website.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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