The global outbreak of coronavirus has created a state of uncertainty for everyone up and down the country and around the world. We here at Training Qualifications UK are acutely aware of the impact this has had on the education sector and we’re deeply grateful to our centers, who have been active in engaging with us to work through solutions that will keep assessments taking place.

One area of particular concern is invigilation and the need for remote invigilation while self-isolation and social distancing are in place. We have been keeping a careful eye on global events since the outbreak started earlier in the year and have been deep in contingency planning to ensure we were in a position to provide our centres with robust solutions were the pandemic to significantly affect life in the UK.

As a result, we are fully committed to providing a flexible, secure and reliable remote invigilation solution from Monday 23rd March 2020. This is intended to be used where the training provider or employer cannot invigilate using the traditional face-to-face method.

What is remote invigilation and how does it work?

Remote invigilation allows the Apprentice to undertake an exam whilst working from home. Providers offering remote invigilation for an Apprentice will have the opportunity to indicate that they are doing so on the assessment preferences document.

To enable remote invigilation, the Apprentice will need access to a computer or laptop with a webcam.

Google Chrome is the only web browser that can be used for remote invigilation purposes.

Through the webcam, the exam platform will capture images of the Apprentice and on-screen user activity to ensure that a controlled environment is being maintained. Following the exam, Training Qualifications UK will review these images to determine whether the invigilation has been successful.

There are no additional costs for remote invigilation. It is completely free.

At present, only multiple choice and test-based End-Point Assessment is supported by remote invigilation. We are actively exploring additional options for Regulated Qualifications and will inform you of any progress on that front.

Please note: Apprentices are advised to respond to all included questions as per standard process, protocol, guidance and usual practice. Whilst we are aware that many such protocols and guidelines may have been updated recently to accommodate for and support the COVID-19 pandemic we would like to confirm that we have NOT amended any such questions/ answers and as such usual practice should be referred to.

We can still receive phone calls, even while working at home, so if you have any questions about remote invigilation or any other issues relating to the impact of coronavirus, please get in touch on 03333 583 344

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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