Welcome to our policy page. Here you can keep up to date with all of our End-Point Assessment policies at Training Qualifications UK. Click the headings for all the information you need.

Appeals Policy

Training Qualifications UK (TQUK) offers an appeals policy in order to provide external parties with a means to contest decisions made by TQUK.

Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance Policy

Apprentice progress and achievement is underpinned by the delivery of consistent and high-quality assessment and internal quality assurance.

Bribery and Corruption Policy

This policy is to ensure that TQUK staff members deal with any plagiarism investigations in a consistent manner.

Complaints Policy

This document explains TQUK’s feedback and complaints procedures and is provided for Recognised Centres, Training Providers, Learners, Apprentices, Employers and all interested parties.

Continuous Professional Development Policy

This policy covers the commitment of all colleagues involved directly in the assessment of Apprentices, the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) of End-Point Assessments and the support of assessors involved in those activities to continually update their knowledge and skills in order to remain occupationally competent in their sector.

Equality and Diversity Policy

This policy is provided for our Recognised Centres and Learners, who are delivering, enrolled on or have taken a TQUK approved regulated qualification or unit, and the Training Providers and Apprentices.

Fees and Invoicing Policy – after April 2022

This document is provided for our partners and sets out where to find the fees we will charge for our various services, as well as our invoicing arrangements, after April 2022.

Fees and Invoicing Policy – before April 2022

This document is provided for our partners and sets out where to find the fees we will charge for our various services, as well as our invoicing arrangements, prior to April 2022.

Funding Bands

Funding bands are always a source of potential confusion, so we thought we’d dedicate a bit of time to discussing them.

Plagiarism Policy

This policy sets out the steps TQUK staff members will follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of plagiarism, as well as the procedural steps followed when reviewing such cases.

Reasonable Adjustment & Special Consideration Policy

TQUK is committed to ensuring that all Learners and Apprentices are granted equal opportunity, in line with the Equality Act 2010, to maintain equity, validity and reliability of assessments through the application of reasonable adjustments and special considerations where appropriate.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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