Here at Training Qualifications UK, we like to make sure you’re kept aware of all the most important goings-on in the world of End-Point Assessment. With that in mind, this week we provide information about new resit/retake forms, a guidance document to support the monitoring of EPA windows, EQA updates and assessment plan updates.

The following updates include

  • A new Resits/ Retakes Form
  • A guidance document to support the monitoring of EPA Windows
  • EQA Updates for the Standards – ST0239 HR Support and ST0238 HR Consultant Partner 
  • Assessment Plan Update and EPA Impact Learning and Development Practitioner

New Resits/ Retakes Form

We would like to introduce a New Form to support any new resit/retake requests. Please note: no changes have been made to the bookings processes for any Situational Judgment Tests/ MCQs and short answer tests.

Alongside this, we have also produced a guidance document, titled ‘ Assessment Windows and Resit / Retake Requirements’. This details all applicable EPA Windows for resits/retakes, against each Standard. This support document is available on Verve EPA.

Upon receipt of a fail notification, you can now simply complete a resit/retake request form that will be linked in the results email from TQUK. Again, this form is also available on Verve EPA. 

Once this request has been submitted and received, and all verification checks have been completed by our internal team, our End-Point Assessors will reach out directly to the Apprentice to schedule the resit/ retake.

Should any requests for a resit/ retake be over the specified EPA Window, a Special Consideration form must be submitted to 

As always, the following process will be applied:

  • In most circumstances, the same Assessor will be assigned to the Apprentice and will be responsible for scheduling the End-Point Assessment. 
  • All resit/retake requests are subject to the availability of both the Apprentice and the End-Point Assessor.
  • The End-Point Assessor will make contact to arrange a suitable date and time for all parties.
  • All bookings must be within the required EPA window.
  • For any bookings outside of the specified EPA window, you must submit a special consideration request to Further details of the Special Consideration process and our request forms can be viewed here!
  • All resit/retakes will be conducted in line with the relevant Apprenticeship Standard Assessment Plan

EQA Updates for the Standards – ST0239 HR Support and ST0238 HR Consultant Partner 

Following discussions with Open Awards (EQA Provider), we have some positive changes to both HR Support and HR Consultant/Business Partner Standards. 

  •  The timeframe for project submission will no longer commence from the Gateway approved date, but will now commence from the date of project synopsis approval. Therefore, once the project synopsis has been signed-off by the End-Point Assessor during the Assessment Planning Meeting, the Apprentice will have a maximum of three months to submit their project from that date.  
  • The component transfer is now no longer locked to the components agreed during the Assessment Planning Meeting. While the components to transfer from the Consultative Project to the Professional Discussion should be considered during the original project synopsis development and sign-off, Apprentices are permitted to change the components they are transferring up until project submission. This includes adding additional components (up to the permitted maximum of three) where less than three components were selected to transfer initially.

Further to this, the following Covid-19 temporary discretions below will remain in place until 30th June 2022. No required changes have been made to our resource materials.

HR Support 

  • Pre-gateway work examples can be used for the consultative project. Apprentices can only use work examples from the last 6 months of the apprenticeship.

HR Consultant Partner 

  • Pre-gateway work examples can be used for the consultative project. Apprentices can only use work examples from the last 6 months of the apprenticeship.

Learning and Development Practitioner – Assessment Plan Update and EPA Impact 

There has been a published update to the Learning and Development Practitioner (ST0562) assessment plan from AP01 to AP02, this relates to a single KSB being altered. Due to this update, we have worked closely with the EQA provider (Ofqual) to fully understand the scope of the implications of this change. 

Please click here to download a support document, outlining the change, relevant implementation timeframes and any additional considerations.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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