Here at Training Qualifications UK, we like to make sure you’re kept aware of all the most important goings-on in the world of End-Point Assessment. With that in mind, this week we provide information about version 2 of Team Leader/Supervisor, a reminder about the SLA for completion of results, updates about the organisation of support material on Verve EPA and a reminder about our new Gateway support documents. We’ve also included information about updates to resources for the following standards: Assessor/Coach, Gateway Requirement Documents, Hair Professional (Hairdressing), Learning Mentor and Learning and Skills Teacher.

Team Leader/Supervisor Version 2 reminder

As per our previous communication, we would like to offer a reminder that as of February 2021 all Apprentices that were registered on the Team Leader/Supervisor Legacy standard were transferred to the Team Leader/ Supervisor Version 2 standard.

This was done with the exclusion of the exceptional circumstances that we had already been made aware of, where Apprentices were due to commence through Gateway before 25th June 2021. 

Following on from this communication and going forward, all Apprentice Gateway submissions must now be on the Team Leader/ Supervisor Version 2 Standard.

Our EPA Team will be reaching out to all centres with Apprentices remaining on the Legacy Standard.

Should you have any questions in relation to this change, please contact us at

SLA for Completion of Results

We would also like to offer a small reminder that our SLA for releasing overall End-Point Assessment results remains as 12 working days, following the conclusion of the final End-Point Assessment component taking place.

Should any alterations to this SLA change, we will, of course, provide a further update.

Verve EPA Support Materials Organisational Update

As part of our continued efforts to provide our resources in a structured manner, we are excited to announce the implementation of ‘Categories’ within the Support Materials section of Verve EPA. 

This allows the organisation of generic materials that sit outside of the Apprenticeship Standards. An example of a ‘Category’ is ‘Gateway and Functional Skills support materials’. 

When clicking on the ‘Support Materials’ tab on the navigation bar, to the left of the Verve EPA home screen, you will see each category in a drop-down list.

We hope this helps you clearly navigate our variety of support materials.

Get Gateway Right First Time!

As always, we are here to support!

Therefore, as per our previous communication, we would like to remind all centres that our individual Gateway Requirement Documents are LIVE and available to view and download on our Verve EPA Suite.

These newly-produced Gateway documents have been written to support our Centres to sufficiently prepare for all Gateway requirements. 

EPA Resource Updates

Resources for the following standards have recently been updated. You’ll be able to find details of the updates below, in some cases accompanied by Summary of Change documentation.


Please note, following a review of this standard’s Apprentice Brief, we have made some minor quality improvements.

We ask that all centres please re-download the Observation with Q&A Apprentice Brief from our Verve EPA suite.

Hair Professional (Hairdressing)

The following documents have been updated:

  • Hair Professional (Hairdressing) Grading Descriptors
  • Hair Professional (Hairdressing) Assessment Annex A Guidance
  • Hair Professional (Hairdressing) Mock Assessment Record

As a result of an internal review, a minor change has been included to clarify the requirements around the Colour and Lighten Hair module. 

Summary of Change is available. In addition to this, the Mock Assessment Record has been updated with a range of quality improvements applied to it.

Learning Mentor

  • Version Change (Version 1 to Version 2)

We have performed a review of the assessment materials related to the Learning Mentor standard, and we are pleased to announce that a new version of all the assessment materials is now available on our Verve EPA suite.

This version change is accompanied by a Summary of Change document that outlines all the changes that have been implemented. 

These alterations primarily include additional support and guidance for the Apprentice and do not alter the process of assessment or requirements of the Apprentice.

Learning and Skills Teacher

  • Version Change (Version 1 to Version 2)

We have performed a review of the assessment materials related to the Learning and Skills Teacher standard, and we are pleased to announce that new versions of all the assessment materials are now available on our Verve EPA Suite.

This version change is accompanied by a Summary of Change document that outlines all the changes that have been implemented. 

These alterations primarily include additional support and guidance for the Apprentice and do not alter the process of assessment or requirements of the Apprentice.

Gateway Requirements Documents

Finally, we’d updated the below two Gateway Requirement documents:

  • Functional Skills Guidance for Level 2 Apprenticeships
  • Functional Skills Guidance for Level 3 and Higher Apprenticeships

Following an update from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, we have applied a further change to our supporting resources around Functional Skills requirements for Apprenticeships. These changes primarily involve the types of International Baccalaureate Diploma that meet the Functional Maths requirements. 

We ask that all centres please re-download the Observation with Q&A Apprentice Brief from our Verve EPA suite.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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