Welcome to our regular EPA Resources Update, where you’ll get the latest information on the suite of resources available to you through Verve EPA. In this edition, we’re looking at a new support video and a selection of support material revisions. 

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  • Digital Marketer – Standard Review 
  • Business Administrator V2 – Portfolio Mapping and Tracking Form 
  • Support Videos 
  • Upcoming Apprentice Handbook 

Digital Marketer – Resource Review 

We’ve performed a review of the assessment materials related to the Digital Marketer standard and we’re pleased to announce that a revision to all assessment materials is now available on Verve EPA 

This revision is accompanied by a Summary of Change which outlines all the changes that have been implemented. These alterations include additional support and guidance for the Apprentice and do not alter the process of assessment or requirements of the Apprentice. 

Business Administrator V2 – Portfolio Mapping and Tracking Form Update 

Having received feedback regarding the format of the portfolio Mapping and Tracking document, we worked in consultation to re-visit the resource and look to further improve it. We’re pleased to announce that revisions were made to support the use of the resource, this updated resource can be re-downloaded from the Business Administrator V2 support materials.  

Please note – Submissions on the previous mapping and tracking document will still be accepted at Gateway and therefore any prior preparation will not be affected. However, we hope you find the new format useful in the preparation and mapping of the Apprentice’s portfolio. 

Support Videos 

We’re pleased to announce two new support videos available to watch on Verve EPA. These two videos are designed to support two processes on Verve EPA as detailed below. 

Bulk Upload of Apprentices – Within this video, we walk through the process of bulk uploading Apprentices on Verve EPA for registration. Within the video’s description, a download link is available for a blank template, supporting the bulk upload process. 

Apprentice Gateway Submission – This video details the process of submitting an Apprentice at Gateway, outlining the key steps that must be performed for successful Gateway submission.  

Upcoming Apprentice Handbook 

We’re excited to announce that a brand new resource is reaching its final stages of development!

The Apprentice Handbook is a significant support material that will be available for all Apprentices on every Apprenticeship Standard at registration. This support material is a collection of existing materials and novel content, available under a single resource umbrella with an interactive contents page and hyperlinks.

The Apprentice Handbook will provide a wealth of support in preparing Apprentices for different aspects of End-Point Assessment at Training Qualifications UK. Development is expected to be finalised before the new year, so watch this space…   

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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