Welcome to our regular EPA Resources Update, where you’ll get the latest information on the suite of resources available to you through Verve EPA. In this edition, we’re looking at a new support video and a selection of support material revisions.  

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  • Support updates to our Gateway Meeting Form
  • Our support Videos
  • Updates to our resources for Children, Young People and Families Practitioner/Manager

Gateway Meeting Form Update 

A minor update has been applied to all Gateway Meeting Forms for standards that contain a Multiple Choice Test. This change relates to an additional note as copied below: 

Please note – After the exam has been set up, the recipient (either the invigilator or Apprentice) will receive an invitation to access Verve Exams via an online link email. This email will be sent the day before the exam is due to take place. The email will be from no-reply@calibrand.com. Please check junk/spam folders as it may be re-directed to those folders. 

This change to the Gateway Meeting Record will not affect the ability for older Gateway Meeting Forms to be submitted at Gateway. However, as with all resources, we strongly encourage all users to regularly re-download the templates from Verve EPA directly to ensure every resource used is the most up-to-date version. 

Support Videos 

We’ve recently released the newest edition of our Explained series of videos. In this video, we outline who End-Point Assessors are, what they do, and don’t do. This video is designed to give Apprentices an idea of who will be sitting across from them in the assessment, so they are fully aware of all aspects of their assessment.

To view the latest Explained video, click here.

Our next few videos will be available exclusively on Verve EPA. They will provide demonstrations and support around a range of processes on Verve EPA, including bulk uploads of Apprentices and Gateway submissions. 

Children, Young People and Families Practitioner / Manager Resource Update 

Following feedback within the Children, Young People and Families Practitioner and Manager, we’ve made changes to the Mapping and Tracking document to support a more holistic approach to evidence mapping. This change includes a table that allows certain pieces of evidence to be identified as meeting the majority of KSBs. Apprentices will not be rejected at Gateway for using the older template. 

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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