Welcome to our regular EPA Resources Update, where you’ll get the latest information on the suite of resources available to you through Verve EPA. In this edition, we’re looking at a range of resources updates, including new support videos, a version change and a selection of support material revisions.  

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  • Support Video Update
  • Customer Service Practitioner – Version Change
  • Team Leader/Supervisor (Legacy) – Support Material Revision
  • Operations/Departmental Manager (Legacy) – Support Material Revision
  • Early Years Educator – Gateway Requirements Support Revision

Support Videos 

As a new and exciting addition to our Support Video series, we have recently published a Use of Notes During EPA guidance video which further outlines the details found within the Use of Notes During EPA support resource published a number of months ago.  

In addition, we have released the first video in our new ‘Explained’ series where we explore an element of End-Point Assessment to support understanding of the End-Point Assessment Journey. In this new video, we cover Professional Discussions.    

All videos can be found within the Support Video category of the Support Materials section of Verve EPA. If you have any suggestions for future videos, please include them within the Sign-Up and Feedback Form link above.   

Customer Service Practitioner 

We have recently implemented some flexibilities and improvements in the Customer Service Practitioner standard following Training Provider feedback. These changes are predominantly focussed on the Apprentice Showcase submission and aim to support additional flexibility in the submission of the Apprentice Showcase for End-Point Assessment. The Apprentice Showcase may now take the form of either a presentation or a written report, both of which can be accompanied by supporting evidence and will be followed by an interview as per the current approach.  

Any Apprentices who have prepared for the Apprentice Showcase on the older format will not be affected as they can still submit as intended with no ramifications. We strongly encourage you and your team of educators to download and review the new support materials and templates relating to the Apprentice Showcase from Verve EPA and look to use these with all Apprentices beginning to prepare for End-Point Assessment now. We anticipate that all Apprentices will be using the new and refined templates by the beginning of December 2021. However, we do not intend to reject any Apprentices on the older templates going forward, but from this date, we will be reaching out to understand any challenges you may be facing on the new templates, and therefore preventing their use.  

The other resources within the standard have also been reviewed and updated to provide additional clarification and support for End-Point Assessment. This version change is accompanied by a Summary of Change (attached) which outlines all the changes that have been implemented. Please re-download the supporting materials from Verve EPA to ensure you are utilising the most up-to-date resources. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update, please email epasupport@tquk.org. Should you wish to be provided with process training on this change, please make this known within your email and we will look to accommodate accordingly.  

Team Leader/Supervisor (Legacy) 

We have performed a review of the assessment materials related to the Team Leader/Supervisor Legacy standard and we are pleased to announce that an update to all assessment materials is now available on Verve EPA 

This revision is accompanied by a Summary of Change which outlines all the changes that have been implemented. These alterations include additional support and guidance for the Apprentice and do not alter the process of assessment or requirements of the Apprentice. 

Operations/Departmental Manager (Legacy) 

We have performed a review of the assessment materials related to the Operations/Departmental Manager Legacy standard and we are pleased to announce that a revision to all assessment materials is now available on Verve EPA 

This revision is accompanied by a Summary of Change which outlines all the changes that have been implemented. These alterations include additional support and guidance for the Apprentice and do not alter the process of assessment or requirements of the Apprentice. 

Early Years Educator and Early Years Practitioner 

To support awareness of the mandatory portfolio requirement of recorded observations, detail pertaining to this aspect has been included within the Gateway Requirements Guidance documents and Gateway Meeting Records for both Early Years Educator and Early Years Practitioner. Please note, the requirements of the Apprentice at Gateway have not been impacted and this change to resources only adds additional support to an existing requirement. 

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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