Welcome to the Training Qualifications UK EPA Product Newsletter!

This week, we cover a range of updates, including gateway meeting records, requirements guidance and new resources for education standards.


This newsletter contains updates on the following areas:

  • Level 2 Standard Gateway Meeting Records
  • Education Gateway Meeting Records
  • Education Apprentice Packs
  • Functional Skills Guidance – Level 2 Apprenticeships

Level 2 Standard Gateway Meeting Records

Last week, we sent out an update regarding the updated Apprenticeship Funding Rules for 2022/23. For Level 2 Standards, we are no longer required to verify that the Apprentice has attempted Level 2 Functional Skills English and maths at Gateway. For this full update, please see the last section of this blog.

Reflecting this change, there are new Gateway Meeting Records and Gateway Requirements Guidance for the following Standards:

  • Adult Care Worker
  • Customer Service Practitioner
  • Early Years Practitioner
  • Hair Professional
  • Healthcare Support Worker

Please ensure you download the latest version of these forms from EPAPro in the Standard-specific area of the Support Materials section.

Education Gateway Meeting Records

In order to make the Gateway and End-Point Assessor allocation process smoother, we have updated our Gateway Meeting Records for the following Standards:

  • Assessor Coach
  • Learning and Skills Teacher
  • Learning Mentor

For these Standards, it is important that the subject that the Apprentice teaches, mentors or coaches is listed so that we can assign an appropriate End-Point Assessor and subject expert, if necessary, without delays.

Please ensure you download the latest version of these forms from EPAPro in the Standard-specific area of the Support Materials section.

Education Apprentice Packs

This month we have been reviewing our resources for the Education sector and we are pleased to announce that new Apprentice Packs are available for the following Standards:

  • Assessor Coach
  • Learning Mentor
  • Teaching Assistant

An Apprentice Pack for Learning and Skills Teacher will follow in the coming weeks.

As a reminder, the new Apprentice Packs combine the Flowchart, Apprentice Briefs (including grading criteria) and Overall Grading documents into one accessible PDF. These can be downloaded from the Standard-specific area of the Support Materials section on EPAPro.

Functional Skills Guidance – Level 2 Apprenticeships

New rules for English and Maths affecting all Level 2 apprenticeships came into effect on the 1st of August, they apply to all Apprentices irrespective of the Apprentice’s start date and include existing learners who started their apprenticeship programme in previous funding years.

These rules outline the requirements for individual Apprentices before they can progress through Gateway and undertake their End-Point Assessment (EPA).

Level 2 Standard English and maths requirements:

All level 2 Apprentices must successfully achieve a Level 1 Functional Skills qualification (or equivalent) in English and maths.

Where appropriate, Apprentices should work towards and attempt assessment for Level 2 Functional Skills in both English and maths, unless the Apprenticeship Standard specifically details Level 2 achievement as a mandatory requirement.

To promote better understanding and application of these requirements, we have produced a guidance document which is available on EPAPro in the Gateway and Functional Skills Support Section.

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact our team who will be happy to support you.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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