How Does EPA Work?

A little confused as to how the End-Point Assessment process works? Unfamiliar with the way your apprentices will be assessed at the end of their apprenticeship with the new standards in place? TQUK is here to help.



End-Point Assessment is made up of a number of assessment elements which the apprentice must pass in order to complete their apprenticeship. Depending on the apprenticeship standard, there are different elements which they will need to pass, each of which is designed to ensure your apprentices meet and exceed all the required knowledge, behaviour and skill-based criteria as set out in the standard.

The bottom line? At the end of their apprenticeship, you will have well trained and skilled apprentices to take on board full time in the workplace with a thorough knowledge of not only their role in the business but the sector in general.

So where to start, you the employer have a choice to make, it’s in your hands to decide who you want to provide your apprentices end-point assessment (as you’re here, we would like to think you’ve come to us because you like what you see?), and it’s up to you to decide which training provider is coming along for the ride and assisting in the development of your apprentices.

In some cases, you may be happy with your own internal team carrying out the training provider process but you will need to look externally for an end-point assessment organisation which is registered on the Register of End-Point Apprenticeship Providers, provided and moderated by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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