Please see below the latest End-Point Assessment update offerings:

  • Hair Professional- Barbering Update!
  • ESFA Update- Functional Skills- Level 2 “Attempt”
  • IfATE update on Assessment flexibilities.
  • Reminder- Lockdown restrictions – onsite assessments and continued use of alternative assessments.

Hair Professional- Barbering Update!

Last week we offered an update that we hoped to also resume EPA for the Barbering route of the Hair Professional Standard, where models used for the shaving aspect of the assessment were from within the Apprentices own household/ bubble. Unfortunately, the Hair Professional Employer Steering group have requested that this is not implemented at this time and therefore, we must confirm that “Delay” remains as the only option for Barbering Apprentices.

We hope to provide you with a further update on this shortly.

ESFA Update- Functional Skills- Level 2 “Attempt”

Last week the ESFA confirmed that the temporary flexibility applied to Level 2 (intermediate) apprenticeships, which permits Apprentices to progress through Gateway without attempting level 2 Functional Skills assessments in English and Maths, has been further extended.

Originally, this flexibility was in place until 31st July 2020, however in their latest update they have confirmed this has been extended until 31st December 2020.

A record should be kept by providers if a level 2 Apprentice did not take the level 2 assessments during this time. There will be no requirement for those Apprentices who are passed through Gateway to go back and take the level 2 Functional Skills test.

For all level 2 Apprentices progressing through Gateway during this period, please download the TQUK “Attempt Level 2 Functional Skills” document, which is available on VERVE EPA, and use this to upload as Gateway evidence, in place of the usually required attempt evidence.

The full ESFA update can be found here; 

IfATE update on Assessment flexibilities

IfATE also offered an update last week to confirm that all current approved End-Point Assessment flexibilities and dispensations will be retained until at least January 2021. Furthermore, they commit to giving 12 weeks’ notice of the withdrawal of any of these flexibilities, which is expected to be reviewed on a sector by sector basis.

As always, we will provide timely updates of this transition as they are known. Until then, all such alternative assessment methods and wider flexibilities remain in place, even as we start to commence with onsite assessments.

Reminder- Lockdown restrictions – onsite assessments and continued use of alternative assessments

A reminder that our primary assessment remains as remote, however we are now able to assess requests for onsite/ face to face assessments.

In order to enable us to do so, we will be asking Training Providers to complete an Onsite Assessment Declaration Form. This form is available on VERVE EPA, under General Support Materials.  Training Providers are asked to take responsibility for ensuring that this form is completed for each and every assessment location being requested to host onsite assessment, to ensure it is safe and that all necessary health and safety checks and precautions have been made.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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