Teaching Assistant

The End-Point Assessment for the Teaching Assistant apprenticeship will include a Practical Observation (with a Questions and Answer session) and a Professional Discussion (supported by a Portfolio of Evidence).

What they do

A Teaching Assistant works in Primary, Special and Secondary education across all age ranges encompassing special educational needs and emotional vulnerabilities. The primary role of a learner undertaking a Teaching Assistant apprenticeship is to support the lead class teacher in enhancing a pupil’s learning either via groups or individually. They will be required to ensure pupils understand the work set, have an adequate understanding of their learning objectives and help pupils to stay on task in order to make progress in the learning environment.

Full-time apprentices undertaking the Teaching Assistant apprenticeship will typically spend 18 months on-programme working towards the standard, with a minimum of 20% of the time being included in their stipulated off-the-job training.

Apprentices will learn how to promote self-belief, social inclusion and understand how a high level of self-esteem plays an integral part to a pupil’s well-being, ensuring pupils thrive in a positive, nurturing and safe environment.

It is an active role which supports the learner to access the curriculum.  Promoting Fundamental British Values through the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and positive behaviours are crucial in contributing to improved pupil progress and development.

EPA Components for a Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship

  • Practical Observation (with Question & Answer session)
  • Professional Discussion (with Portfolio of Evidence included)

Practical Observation 

The Practical Observation element of the EPA will be carried out over approximately 2 hours with the Question and Answer session lasting for around 15 minutes, taking place at the end of each Observation. The Observation is required to take place within the individual’s workplace and they should be allowed to move around the organisation in an effort to demonstrate the key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours learnt during their apprenticeship. This will help the assessor to establish whether the apprentice has achieved their apprenticeship and work objectives. The aim of the additional question and answer session is to allow the End-Point Assessor to ask any follow-up questions relatable to any partially demonstrated Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours during the Observation in order to provide additional assurance.

Professional Discussion

The Professional Discussion will be a structured discussion between the apprentice and the End-Point Assessor following the Practical Observation. It will establish the apprentice’s understanding and application of all the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours. The Portfolio of Evidence should be given to the End-Point Assessor approximately two weeks prior to the Discussion. The Portfolio will enable the End-Point Assessor to form the basis of and prepare for the Professional Discussion. The Discussion will last for approximately 90 minutes whilst the Portfolio of Evidence should be completed during the on-programme learning and contain a minimum of 10 pieces of evidence and a maximum of 15 which may comprise the following:

  • Feedback from Performance Management review system,
  • Evidence of pupil progression,
  • Work produced by the Teaching Assistant eg: interventions,
  • Evidence from practical observations and general observations obtained over time,
  • Observations carried out by competent Teaching Assistants and HLTAs, Line Managers, Class Teachers and Mentors,
  • Assessor reviews,
  • Naturally occurring pieces of evidence eg: feedback from visitors/parents,
  • Details of any training and courses attended,
  • Notes from professional discussions.

For a more in-depth look at the EPA for the Teaching Assistant apprenticeship, check out our blog.

More Information

If you would like to learn more about the Teaching Assistant apprenticeship standard, check out our factsheets page, or alternatively you can find more information via the Institute for Apprenticeships website.

Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship Standard with TQUK EPA

Duration: 18 months
LARS Number: 297
Standard Number: ST0454
Level: 3
Funding Band: 8 (£5,000)

£525 (Remote) £625 (Face-to-Face)

  • Payable at Registration: £131
  • Payable at Gateway: £394 (Remote) £494 (Face-to-Face)
Functional Skills:
  • Level 2 Award in Functional Skills English
  • Level 2 Award in Functional Skills Mathematics
Payment Terms: Training Qualifications UK will invoice a registration fee (~25%) upon registration and a gateway fee (~75%) upon gateway submission. Gateway fees will be adjusted depending upon the remote or face-to-face assessment preference.
Download Factsheet

*25% registration fee is transferrable to a new registration should an Apprentice withdraw from the apprenticeship. Upon receipt Apprentices, Employers and Training Providers will gain access to the TQUK EPA management suite.

**75% fee paid at gateway in non-refundable as we anticipate that once the apprentice has passed through gateway they will be ready to undertake the end-point assessment elements. If the 75% payable upon gateway is not paid within 30 days of invoice we, as the EPAO, will put a hold on any end-point assessment activities being undertaken and any certification processes.

Training Qualifications UK offers one free re-sit per multiple-choice test where included within a standard. Element assessments re-sits will be charged per assessment and standard

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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