Learning and Development Practitioner

A Learning and Development (L&D) Practitioner specialises in the creation of new and useful learning and training programmes, primarily for employees of organisations. An L&D practitioner works with organisations to design training programmes, deliver training and sustain the benefits of this training by working with managers and stakeholders.

The L&D practitioner will have experience in a particular field, whether it be technical, vocational or behavioural, such as food preparation, software design, healthcare provision or any number of other areas. They will use their area expertise and learning and development skills to improve business performance and achieve an organisation’s goals by understanding how people learn and apply that learning in the workplace. The L&D Practitioner can work in a wide range of organisations in the public, private or third sectors and will be dedicated to improving future performance in the workplace at an individual, team and organisational level.

End-Point Assessment Components 

  • Work Based Project and Professional Discussion
  • Presentation based on Learning Journal

Work Based Project and Professional Discussion 

The apprentice will undertake a Work Based Project which will take the form of an executive summary-style report of 2250 words (+/- 10%). It will require the implementation of a learning and development solution to a real business problem. It should be based on the apprentice’s work experiences and will show how they demonstrate aspects of the core Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours outlined in the apprenticeship standard. The Project will be submitted 1 month prior to the end of the 5 month End-Point Assessment period.

The Professional Discussion will take 60 minutes (+/- 10%) and will address the Work Based Project. The assessor will ask the apprentice 8-10 open questions that will complement the work done in the Project, testing the content of the Project and the apprentice’s competence.

Presentation Based on Learning Journal 

On commencement of the apprenticeship, apprentices are required to start developing a Learning Journal. The apprentice will record learning events (ie designing learning, observing colleagues, providing coaching sessions) in their Journal up until the Gateway stage. Entries can include any number of media, including blogs, diaries and social media posts.

The 20-minute presentation will provide the opportunity to demonstrate attained Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours and use examples from the Journal to demonstrate evidence and lessons learned. The Presentation should cover three examples from the Journal that best demonstrate how they have developed their learning and development practices and/or how they developed their understanding of best practice in a particular area. The Presentation will be followed by a 25-minute Q&A session conducted by the assessor.

More Information

If you would like to learn more about the Learning and Development Practitioner apprenticeship standard, check out our factsheets page or alternatively you can find more information via the Institute for Apprenticeships 

Learning and Development Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard

Duration: 18 months
LARS Number: 326
Standard Number: ST0562
Level: 3
Funding Band: 9 (£6,000)

£950 (Remote) £1,050 (Face-to-Face)

  • Payable at Registration: £238
  • Payable at Gateway: £712 (Remote) £812 (Face-to-Face)
Functional Skills:
  • Level 2 Award in Functional Skills English
  • Level 2 Award in Functional Skills Mathematics
Payment Terms: Training Qualifications UK will invoice a registration fee (~25%) upon registration and a gateway fee (~75%) upon gateway submission. Gateway fees will be adjusted depending upon the remote or face-to-face assessment preference.
Download Factsheet

*25% registration fee is transferrable to a new registration should an Apprentice withdraw from the apprenticeship. Upon receipt Apprentices, Employers and Training Providers will gain access to the TQUK EPA management suite.

**75% fee paid at gateway in non-refundable as we anticipate that once the apprentice has passed through gateway they will be ready to undertake the end-point assessment elements. If the 75% payable upon gateway is not paid within 30 days of invoice we, as the EPAO, will put a hold on any end-point assessment activities being undertaken and any certification processes.

Training Qualifications UK offers one free re-sit per multiple-choice test where included within a standard. Element assessments re-sits will be charged per assessment and standard

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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