Early Years Lead Practitioner

The End-Point Assessment for the Early Years Lead Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard comprises an Observation with Questions, a Professional Discussion, and a Case Study Report and Presentation.

What They Do

Early Years Lead Practitioners are found in a range of settings which can include day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools, pre-schools, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision. The broad purpose of the occupation is to be a proactive and influential practitioner, working directly with children, skilfully leading day-to-day practice at an operational level.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with children aged birth to eight years, families, practitioners, other professionals and appropriate agencies. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for supporting the quality of learning and development in their setting. They lead on the operational aspects of this provision and are typically responsible for leading other practitioners, an aspect or environment such as: Communication and Language, Planning and Assessment, Forest School, Physical Activity and Nutrition. They usually report directly to the head of the setting (the Manager, Leader, or Director).

Assessment Components for the Early Years Lead Practitioner Apprenticeship

  • Observation with Questions
  • Professional Discussion (supported by a Portfolio of Evidence)
  • Case Study Report and Presentation

Observation with Questions

The End-Point Assessor will observe the Apprentice undertaking their normal duties in the workplace. The Apprentice must be observed interacting with a group of children, leading/supervising colleagues, and communicating with parents/carers/guardians.

The observation period will last 60 minutes (+10%), followed by a question and answer session lasting 30 minutes (+10%).

Professional Discussion

This is a structured, two-way discussion between the Apprentice and their End-Point Assessor. It is supported by a portfolio of evidence submitted at Gateway. Questions will relate to the KSBs assigned to this assessment method.

The Professional Discussion will last 60 minutes (+10%).

Case Study Report and Presentation

The Apprentice will submit a case study scope at Gateway. On approval of the scope, the Apprentice will then have 12 weeks to complete the case study, which must have a real benefit to the children and/or setting.

The Apprentice will produce a 4,000 word (+/-10%) report and a 20-minute (+10%) presentation on their case study. The presentation will be followed by a 20-minute (+10%) question-and-answer session.

More Information

If you would like to learn more about the Early Years Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard, please see our Factsheets page or visit the Institute for Apprenticeships’ website.

Duration: 24 months
LARS Number: 655
Standard Number: ST0551
Level: 5
Funding Band: £8,000

£850 (Remote) £950 (Face-to-Face)

  • Payable at Registration: £213
  • Payable at Gateway: £637 (remote) £737 (Face-to-Face)


Payment Terms: Training Qualifications UK will invoice a registration fee (~25%) upon registration and a gateway fee (~75%) upon gateway submission. Gateway fees will be adjusted depending upon the remote or face-to-face assessment preference.
Download Factsheet

*25% registration fee is transferrable to a new registration should an Apprentice withdraw from the apprenticeship. Upon receipt Apprentices, Employers and Training Providers will gain access to the TQUK EPA management suite.

**75% fee paid at gateway in non-refundable as we anticipate that once the apprentice has passed through gateway they will be ready to undertake the end-point assessment elements. If the 75% payable upon gateway is not paid within 30 days of invoice we, as the EPAO, will put a hold on any end-point assessment activities being undertaken and any certification processes.

Training Qualifications UK offers one free re-sit per multiple-choice test where included within a standard. Element assessments re-sits will be charged per assessment and standard

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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