
What good is a worker bee without flowers to pollinate? Just like bees that collect nectar to build their Hive, you will be taking this apprenticeship with a particular job in mind at the end.

So what’s all the buzz about Apprenticeships you might be thinking? TQUK believes in the power of apprenticeships wholeheartedly. We believe that every young person should have the same opportunities and learn however they like to learn.

Supporting real-life, workplace experience with knowledge, behaviour and skills which sit behind the practical aspects of any job role, the Apprenticeship model combines all of the practical and theoretical elements that you need to begin your chosen career, no matter what sector you choose.

TQUK will help you through your apprentice’s end-point assessment with a variety of resources at your fingertips and here we hope to be able to provide you with a little more knowledge about what you can do after completing your end-point assessment and the doors that open once you have completed your apprenticeship.

  • Did you know that after completing their apprenticeship, 83% of apprentices said their career prospects had improved?
  • Did you know that 25% of apprentices are promoted within 12 months of finishing their apprenticeship?

The beauty of an apprenticeship is that there are so many options moving forwards once you have completed. You could:

  • Remain in full-time work with your current employer. Master the position you have been working in throughout your apprenticeship
  • Be promoted with your current employer and elevated a step in your career
  • Choose to apply your acquired apprenticeship sector skills to a different career path than the one you started on, the beauty of the new standards layout is that you need to have knowledge of the sector in general as well as the specific role you are training for
  • Explore your workplace options, just because you achieved your apprenticeship under one employer does not mean you’re tied down. You can opt to take your apprenticeship with you wherever you fancy
  • Enjoyed learning on the job? Or it could be an ideal time to level up. Train for an advanced, higher or degree level apprenticeship – or a related vocational level qualification.

How TQUK Can Help You

The new apprenticeship standards are designed to improve upon what’s gone before and help with the apprentice’s initial journey into their chosen career, before you know it, they’ll be on the road to success.


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